
Sexuality is important to society not only because of health implications; it also affects gender and property relations, reproduction potential, and economics.

Healthy sexual and reproductive knowledge, practices, and health care play critical role in people reaching their potential and community stability.

Safe, responsible sexual practices reduce sexual violence and spread of HIV, viral hepatitis, and Sexually Transmitted Infections.

Planning and having a healthy pregnancy is vital to health of newborn baby and mother.

Critically important with teen pregnancy & childbearing which can impact educational attainment, employment, financial stability.

AIED Recommendations

  • Provide effective Sexual Health education and psychological support for youth
  • Empower people to make healthy choices with Sexual Reproductive Health services
  • Enhance early detection of HIV, viral hepatitis, Sexually Transmitted Infections and linkage to care
  • Increase utilization of preconception and prenatal care

For further information and assistance, please check out our International Clinical Services offered in Rome.